0 By aggelos paganis In blog-aegeanPosted 12/11/2015Santorini’s Wine HarvestSantorini grape vines lie on the ground like a wreath and grow upwards in a basket shape to collect water from the night fog. READ MORE
0 By aggelos paganis In blog-aegeanPosted 12/11/2015Santorini Fisherman Weaves a Fishing BasketSantorini may be cosmopolitan and glamorous but there are many old school locals tucked away here and there who preserve the traditional crafts and way of life. Such as this fisherman in the [...] READ MORE
There is no substitute for hard #work. #JupiterV5 is on the way! @artbees By colleen In blog-aegeanPosted 12/11/2015What to do with Pangrati Woods?Visit some rare green space in the center of Athens -- Pangrati Woods READ MORE